Student Attendance 

The Bound Brook School District requires the students to attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey. For students to learn and grow academically, physically, mentally, and socially, they need to be present during the school day. It is the responsibility of the students and their parents/guardians, to ensure that students attend school regularly and promptly. 

Types of Absences

All absences will be categorized in one of two ways by administration:

  • Excused – all require proper verification
    • Student illness 
    • Necessary medical, dental, legal appointments 
    • Death in the family
    • Post-Secondary Education including college, military, technical school (up to 2 per year for junior and senior students)
    • School-approved sponsored activities such as field trips and athletic competitions
    • Religious holidays
    • School suspensions 
  • Unexcused – these become truancies


Reporting Absences

Absences should be reported to the attendance office by calling 732-652-7964. The message which must include the following:

  • The student’s name
  • The student’s grade level
  • The reason for the student’s absence
  • A phone number to reach the parent/guardian

Upon return to school, the student must also deliver a signed note to the attendance office from the parent/guardian explaining the reason for the absence. If absent for at least three days due to a medical reason, a student must also present a doctor’s note upon returning to school. Completing any missed assignments is the responsibility of the absent student.


Loss of Course Credit

A student can lost credit for an entire course if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • 3 truancies
  • 19 absences (in a full year course)
  • 10 absences (in a semester course)
  • 5 absences (in a single marking period course)


Loss of Extracurriculars 

Students who are absent from school may not participate in the following:

  • After school activities 
  • Evening school sponsored activities 
  • Interscholastic sporting events, practices or extracurricular activities